4 Easy Methods to Dry Your Shoes Quickly


Most of us have the same pair of shoes for daily use, and sometimes, they get wet when we get caught in the rain, and we need more time to dry them thoroughly and use them on another day.

Wearing wet shoes is not only uncomfortable but can also lead to bacterial and fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot. 

It can also result in cracked feet and painful blisters. Also, it is the perfect place for mold to start growing.

To avoid this problem, the cleat must be dried thoroughly before being used again. In this guide, I will share the easiest and most proper way to dry your wet cleat overnight.


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Fastest Way to Dry Your Wet Boot

1. Dry Your sneaker with an old newspaper:

Papers are made with wooden dust and have the property of absorbing water and moisture. They are easy to roll up and Stuff inside the shoes and work great for drying the shoes.

Follow the below-mentioned step to dry the boot with newspaper paper or paper towel.

  1. Squeeze the excess water from the shoes after washing. 
  2. Remove the insoles, shoe lace and place them separately to air dry.
  3. Now stuff the shoes  with a paper towel or newspaper up to its toe box.(Hide the newspaper area that has excessive ink to avoid an unwanted mark.)
  4. Also wrap the outer surface of the cleat with paper, a dry cloth, or a towel to dry the outer area.
  5. Place the boot in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight or in front of a fan for quick drying.
  6. Periodically check it in between and replace the paper several times if needed.

2. Use the power of a fan to dry the Cleat:

You can use a floor fan to dry the cleat within 2 to 3 hours. To dry your boot with floor fan

  1. Squeeze the excess water from the shoe, Remove the insole and lace, and put it separately for air drying.
  2. Hang the wet shoes in front of the running fan with the help of an “S” shape hook for a couple of hours until it gets dried. If you don’t have a hook, twist your old metal cloth hanger into an “S” shape.

3. Get a shoe Dryer:

It is a small, handy, and easy-to-use piece of equipment specially designed for drying wet shoes. 

To dry your boot with a shoe dryer

  1. Remove the insole and lace of the shoes and squeeze the excess water. 
  2. Put the shoes in the drying tube and ensure space between them and the Dryer’s base for air movement.
  3. Now turn on the Dryer and leave it for the recommended time period.

Tips: Before using the Dryer to dry wet shoes, check the shoes’ material. Not all types of shoes can be dried using an air dryer; a few will get permanently damaged.

Cleat that are safe to dry using Dryer:

  1. Cotton
  2. Canvas
  3. Nylon/Polyester

Sneaker you should not dry using Dryer:

  1. Leather
  2. Suede
  3. Gel or Foam

Read The labels on Your Shoes:

Read the labels that are provided at the shoe tongue or on the heels. Looking at the labels, you will find one squire symbol sign representing a cloth dryer. If the squire symbol has a circle inside, then it is safe to use the Dryer.

If it has a cross X symbol, it is not safe to use the Dryer. A squire with a dot means you can use low heat.

If there are no symbols or they fade away, consider the shoes safe and use a different drying method.

4. Charcoal Bag:

Another option for drying your shoes is a charcoal bag. This method works similarly to that of the newspaper.

After washing the shoes:

  • Squeeze the excess water from the boot.
  • Remove the insole and shoelace.
  • Stuff the shoes with a charcoal bag.

It will do its job within a couple of hours. The good news is that the charcoal bag also works as a deodorizer  and can be used with any type of shoe, such as cotton, canvas, suede, or leather boots.

How Much Time Required to dry the cleat completely

The time required to dry the boot depends on various factors, such as

  1. How wet the shoes are
  2. Types of material used for construction
  3. Weather and temperature
  4. Process of drying the shoes

But in general, you need at least.

  1. Twenty minutes if you are using a shoe dryer.
  2. 2-3 hours with a fan can vary depending on the weather condition.
  3. 8-10 hours if you are using a newspaper.

Tips to Keep Your Shoes Dry

  1. Applying waterproofing spray to your shoes when you use them in wet weather repels water, helping you prevent them from getting wet.
  2. Use shoes cover


Using the proper method for drying shoes helps maintain their quality and prolong their life. A well Dried shoe also prevents the spread of bacteria and fungi.

Following the tips above helps you keep your boot dry and comfortable within a few hours. 

I dry my shoes using old newspapers and sometimes a boot dryer. Which method do you follow for drying the boot? Let me know in the comment section.


Q.1 How long do shoes take to air dry?

In summer, 5 to 6 hours is enough to dry the shoes, but in wet weather or winter, it will take almost 24-48 hours to dry the boots thoroughly.

Q.2 Will shoes dry overnight?

You can dry the shoes overnight by stuffing them in with a newspaper and a paper towel. Or hanging  the boots in front of the floor  fan.

Q.3 How can I dry my shoes in 5 hours?

Using the floor fan, you can dry your shoes within five hours. First, remove the insole and shoelace and put them separately for drying.

Squeeze the excess water, then put the boot in front of the fan with the help of an “S” shape hanger for maximum airflow.

Q.4 Can shoes dry on their own?

If you do not want to dry your shoes with paper or a dryer, you can air dry them in a well-ventilated place after washing. You can also put them in direct sunlight for quick results.

Q.5 Can Rice dry shoes?

Yes, you can dry the shoes with rice. To do this, just place your wet shoes in a box of dry, uncooked rice overnight. It will absorb all the moisture.


  • Jackson Brooks

    I’m Jackson Brooks, I love to experiment with different types of shoes—my passion for shoes developed while working with my father at his boot repair shop after my school hours.

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