How to Polish Shoes to a Mirror Shine at Home


Well-polished shoes add elegance to your personality and dressing style and increase their lifespan. They are an essential part of personal grooming. Well-maintained quality leather shoes can last a lifetime with the proper care and maintenance.

Learning how to polish your shoes is a skill that will save you a lot of money over the years. Shoe shining is a simple process that can help you keep your shoes looking their best once you have the proper technique and materials.

In this guide, I will share how to polish your shoes like a professional to achieve a mirror shine with our simple essential guide.

Importance of Polishing Your Shoes

  1. Regular polishing the shoes prolongs their life
  2. It maintains the color of the Shoes
  3. It helps you to make a good impression
  4. It protects your shoes from scratches and stains

Required Material For Shoe Polish

Before starting the shoe polish, gather all the necessary materials for successful output. The required essentials are

  1. Shoes Polish
  2. Horsehair Shoes Brush
  3. Soft Cloth or Old T-Shirt
  4. Polishing Cloth
  5. Welt brush or soft bristle toothbrush

How to Polish Your Shoes? (Step by Step Guide)

1. Preparation:

  • Before cleaning and polishing your shoes, cover the surface with an old newspaper or old cloth. Remove the shoelace so that it does not get covered with shoe polish and that the polish can reach all areas of the shoes.
  • Stuff the shoes with a shoe tree or old newspaper to get the form surface once you have started policing.

2. Cleaning:

Take the horsehair brush and remove all the dust from the shoes. While cleaning, make sure all the cracks and seams are thoroughly cleaned.

Wipe out the shoes with a damp cloth to remove any remaining dirt, then dry the boots with a soft, dry cloth.

3. Apply the Polish:


Once cleaning is done, take a little polish on the polishing cloth and rub it slowly on the cleat in a circular motion. Apply the thin layer of polish evenly and cover the entire shoe, including heels and toes.

Use a welt brush or toothbrush to apply the polish in the welt or another neglected area. If your shoes are still dull, apply the second layer of polish and leave it to dry for 20 minutes.


4. Buff it Up:

Once the polish has absorbed, grab your shoe brush and vigorously scrub the entire boot. Don’t be afraid to use some force, and ensure you have removed any excess polish.

5. Polish to shine the shoe:

This is the final step in polishing your shoes to give them a mirror-like shine. Take a wet clean soft cloth and gently polish your shoes.

Hold either side of the fabric with your hand and work it back and forth on the shoe in a side-to-side motion. Polish your shoes until you get a smooth, shiny, mirror-like finish. Some people like to blow hot air on the shoes before buffing to increase the shine.

6. Spit Shine:

This method achieves a hard shine. Sprinkle a few drops of water on the shoes and rub them softly with a wax polish rag. The water fills the pores of the leather and enhances the polish for a sweet, shiny finish.

7. Fire Shining Method:

In the fire shining method, first apply the polish on the shoes in circular motion with the help of a polishing cloth, then heat it evenly with the help of fire flame until it melts and acquires a wet form.

Once the polish is melted, let it dry and then buff off the shoes with a soft cloth to get that high glass shine.

Types of shoes Polish

Boot polish is available in three variety 

  • Wax polish
  • Cream polish
  • Liquid polish

1. Wax Polish:

Wax polish is made from a high concentration of wax and other pigments that create a protective layer on the boot leather. This layer protects the leather from water and minor light scuffs.

It does not restore color and is more challenging to apply, but it provides good shine and covers scratches.

2. Cream Polish:

It is softer than wax polish and is available in a variety of colors. Its purpose is to hydrate and nourish the leather to prevent cracking. It restores the natural color of the leather and heals any scratches and discoloration.

If you have a unique complexion shoes, Boots cream polish is best as it is available in many colors.

3. Liquid Polish:

It is a convenient and effective boot polish, but it does not deliver the same shine as cream or wax polish.


Polishing shoes is an essential part of boot care and maintenance. Frequently polishing your shoes will help them look good and remain in excellent condition for many years.

Polishing shoes is an art that requires patience, skill, and knowledge of proper technique. How do you polish your shoes? Let me know in the comment section.


Q.1 How to polish shoes Military Style?

The spit shine method is used in the military to achieve a hard shine. Once you have applied the first layer of the polish, sprinkle a few drops of water on the shoes and rub them softly with the rag. This will enhance the polish’s shine.

Q.2 How often should you polish your shoes?

It depends on your needs, but for best results, you should polish your shoes every 4 to 6 weeks. Polishing too much can damage your shoes and moisture the leather, which degrades the fabrics, stains them, and creates an environment for the growth of bacteria and fungus.

Q.3 Is shoe polish permanent?

No shoe polish is permanent; you must apply it on your boot every 4 to 6 weeks to protect your shoes from discoloration and scuffs and prevent the leather from drying.

Q.4 Can I use Vaseline to polish my shoes?

You can use it to shine your boot for a temporary solution, but I would not recommend it as it will damage the leather in the long run.


  • Jackson Brooks

    I’m Jackson Brooks, I love to experiment with different types of shoes—my passion for shoes developed while working with my father at his boot repair shop after my school hours.

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